Saturday Harvest (Dec 3, 2022)

On Saturday, December 3rd, blustery cold winds greeted us for a harvest with temps in the 40’s !!!   Bill, Sarah, and Nathan headed up the harvest of 58 lbs. packed in 22 bags for Vicki to deliver to Metrocrest Services.  Harvest helpers were Vicki, Janice, Lisa, Misty, DiAnn and Laura. Harvest was made up of many beautiful greens, broccoli, Swiss chard, peppers, cabbages, turnips, fennel, carrots, lettuce, eggplant, and several varieties of kale.  Thanks to those gardeners who harvested early and filled the shed and cooler on Friday.  

It’s hard to believe that there are only two more weeks of Saturday harvests. We have open slots for Dec. 10th or Dec. 17th, so sign up if you need more hours.

Martha and Laura gave a garden tour to Councilman Adam Poulter and his wife, Colleen, who braved the cold weather. Adam enjoyed picking a couple of carrots and they ate them as soon as they washed them! 

Harvest 12/03/2022
12.3.22 Harvest Wagon
12.3.22 Harvest Wagon
Harvest Table 12-03-2022
Harvest Table 12-03-2022
Councilman Poulter pulling carrot
Councilman Poulter pulling carrot
Adam and Colleen Poulter Visiting
Adam and Colleen Poulter Visiting